Harris Image Makers is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. This website presents a tiny portion of photographs of beautiful scenery and women I have taken. I photograph exquisite women and present images I have taken of what I choose to call "Unforgettable" women. My goal is to photograph women who possess rare and unique features that honors and portrays them in the most favorable manner.
I am proud to announce that the 2024 winner for the most "Unforgettable" woman is Makayla. Images of this gorgeous woman can be found on the "Annual Winners" page.
All of my sessions are normally 2 hours long and occur in my Scottsdale studio. If you are interested in a TFP or a session where I pay the model please contact me thru the email link below with at least 3 recent jpeg photos, any links to your personal websites, Facebook profile and your expectations or wishes for a model session. For paid sessions with experienced models for Facebook friendly photos the typical pay/hour is $50.
A majority of my photo sessions in the past 12 years involved gorgeous women who chose to have images of them in various states of undress. From those sessions I have chosen a few of my favorites and those are on display on my website:https://www.heavenlyarizonabodies.com
If you wish to contact me my email address is: harrisimagemakers@gmail.com
All images on this website are protected by copyright law and no re-use or republication is permitted without my written permission.
When I was growing up in Colorado I would collect rock specimens when our family made trips to the Rockies for picnics. This was probably the beginning of my interest on what caused the development of the Western United States. Gold and Silver was the driving force for the development of the West, except in Arizona where copper became the primary mineral which fueled the development of that state. Over the past decade I have made journeys to a few of the most interesting ghost and mining towns. I have included a few photos I took and facts about the places I visited on my Ghost and Mining Towns page. I hope you find the photos and facts about these amazing places interesting.
Honoring Nature And Exquisite Women Thru Photography.
"Words have no value until the listener uses them as a catalyst to produce a positive result".
Behind every successful woman there is a man who tried to hold her back.